Medical Disclaimer
- We make no claims that any of our products are 'therapeutic goods' as defined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia. You are responsible for your own health & safety. If you have any concerns about the nature of our products, or about using any of our products you should consult with your medical professional for advice before you purchase or use any of our products. The Bath Bakery will not be held liable or responsible in any way from any effects or reactions you may experience.
- Information content on our website is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
- Comments and feedback about product effectiveness are based on raw ingredient suppliers, customers' experience, staff and family opinions and should not be substituted for medical care.
- The Bath Bakery is not liable for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient. Remember to read our labels and ingredient lists carefully and follow the appropriate directions for use. If you have a specific allergy or sensitivity, and are unsure, please avoid buying the product. Your health & safety is your own responsibility. Discontinue use if a reaction occurs. While all of our products are non-toxic, none are designed & manufactured to be eaten, taken, or used internally.
- Please consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions about a particular health condition.